ELF Deep Sea Driller Shipwreck in 1976 was the first major accident on the Norwegian shelf, but not listed.
Some never forgets "the forgotten oil accident"
- First major oil accident
Deep Sea Driller was the first major accident on the Norwegian shelf, but is not included in the lists of oil accidents.
Several dignitaries have since criticized accident investigation as flawed.
The company on its part believes it is important to highlight both tragedy and pleasant.
- This is an anniversary for Odfjell, both because we start new activities pointing into the future. But also that we pause to remember the accident at Fedje, says communications director Gisle Johanson in Odfjell Drilling.
The company stressed that a lot has happened in 40 years and they believe today will be much better at following up personnel should they be involved in an accident. (Published by NRK, Norway on March' 1st, 2016).
Poor Monitoring of kin
- conflicting
The report from Wegner is now ready, and concludes according ANB that there are faults in the original report that was prepared after the accident outside Fedje. Thus, the case probably will be terminated, despite revelations in Stavanger Aftenblad about numerous safety deficiencies on the rig.
It should also have been a number of conflicting explanations about the incident prior to the accident. The original investigation report blamed mainly on the rig's captain, who was taken by sneaker wave and drowned.
- Inadequate by today's standards
The former chief of Bergen have not found anything that indicates inadequate monitoring of the rescue or maritime experiences following the accident, the news agency ANB.
The new report is still not without criticism. Wegner believes the crisis psychiatric follow-up of the survivors and the relatives were extremely inadequate by today's standards, though it probably was entirely in keeping with the then guidelines. (Published by NRK, Norway on November'13, 2007).